On the 20th of March this year, I bought a bundle from Humble Bundle, called the “Stand with Ukraine Bundle”. It included many games, including Back 4 Blood, Satisfactory, Starbound, and many more. The bundle also contained other software and courses. One of the courses was this course, about 3D game development in Unity. I had some interest in game development, so I decided to follow along the course. The result was this game that I uploaded to their site. Here is a link to the source code. If you are tech-savvy enough to read the game scripts, you would notice a few debug/cheat keys that I left in there on purpose.
By the way, there are many other sections in the course. This game is only one part of the course. I might return to improve this game after finishing all the other parts of the course, since so far they haven’t taught me how to create a main menu or other UI elements.